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*** Japanese Stuff ***

Lib: Japan's Electronics Industry

Do you know what one of the biggest and most powerful industries in the world is? Well one of the most powerful and biggest industries in the world just so happens to be the Japanese consumer electronics industry. Today it seems that the Japanese consumer electronics industry is pretty popular for a number of different reasons. Within this article we will be providing you with information on the Japans consumer electronics industry. Japans consumer electronics industry is known for making top of the chart electronic products that many individuals know and enjoy. The truth is that Japan homes a lot of the top known electronic manufacturers that are known throughout the world. Japan is home to electronic manufactures such as Sony, Hitachi, Casio, NEX, Toshiba, TDK, Kenwood, Olympus, Nintendo, Epson, Yamaha, Fujitsu, Sharp, Canon, Fujifilm, Panasonic, JVC, Pioneer, etc. You see the list will keep going and going.

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Districts: 3 Super Tokyo Travel Destinations

The mainland portion of Tokyo lies northwest of Tokyo Bay and measures about 90 km east to west and 25 km north to south. Chiba Prefecture borders it to the east, Yamanashi to the west, Kanagawa to the south, and Saitama to the north. Mainland Tokyo is further subdivided into the special wards (occupying the eastern half) and the Tama area stretching westwards. Also within the administrative boundaries of Tokyo Megalopolis are two island chains in the Pacific Ocean directly south: the Izu Islands, and the Ogasawara Islands, which stretch more than 1,000 km away from the mainland. Because of these islands and mountainous regions to the west, Tokyo's overall population density figures far underrepresent the real figures for urban and suburban of regions.Tokyo is a massive city, and it would literally take a lifetime to experience everything this exciting place has to offer. Here is a list of 3 must-see Tokyo travel destinations to get your Japan travel experience off on the right foot.

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Dating: How to Succeed With Japanese Girls

If you're interested in dating beautiful Asian women, join the club. But one thing you need to first understand is that there are dozens of different Asian ethnic groups -- Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and Thai, just to name a few. And there are some subtle (but important!) differences between these different types of Asian women. Knowing these differences can mean the difference between blowing your chance, and landing the beautiful Asian woman of your dreams! In this article I want to focus on Japanese women. The "stereotypical" Japanese woman is soft-spoken, timid and subservient. Her main priority is serving and pleasing her man. That's the stereotype. Now let's talk about how Japanese girs REALLY are. The "soft spoken" part may be true when you're in public with her. It's not in a Japanese woman's nature to confront or debate with you in front of others. They would find this deeply embarrassing.

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Lib: Economic Weather in Japan

Recession may be a new term to most of the people. But when it comes to Japanese people, they are well acquainted with it since they have faced Japan recession for more than 30 years. The economic situation in Japan has a strong bond with recession along its outcomes from a long time back. Japan asset price bubble after the recession is the best example here. At a time when, recession in Japan lowered the income opportunities, asset price bubble inflated the stock market and real estate values.The main cause for the recession in Japan is the World War II. It is because of this war that they were left with too minimum resources to start their expansion. Till now Japan imports majority of their food and other requirements from other countries.

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Students: Study Abroad In Japan

Your study abroad Japan experience will not only take you to the world's tenth most populated country, but it will also take you to a land that values both deep-rooted traditions and modern-day progressions. Your semester abroad can include visiting Sens%u014D-ji, Tokyo's oldest Buddhist temple that features the Kaminarimon Gate, a massive entrance that is decorated with traditional paper lanterns and huge statues of Japanese gods. If you travel for a summer abroad you can walk along the streets of Ginza, a popular Tokyo destination full of shopping, fine food and coffeehouses. Whether you decide to study the ancient history of Japan or see how it has become an international icon for economic growth, your study abroad Japan experience will be unforgettable.

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Lib: History of Japan

A land richly steeped in history and culture, legend attributes the creation of Japan to the sun goddess Amaterasu, whose claim to the throne by her grandson Emperor Jimmu in 660 B.C, was a traditional belief that constituted official recognition until 1945. The first indication of recorded history in Japan was around the year A.D. 400, when the ambitious Yamato clan based in Kyoto was successful in gaining control over several other key family groups in central and western Japan. The next several centuries were kept under the tight reign of this powerful clan, who succeeded in creating an imperial court similar to that of China, and whose authority was eventually undermined by influentialaristocratic families who vied for control.

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Culinary: The Art of Japan Cooking

The art of cooking is no longer restricted to homemakers and restaurant cooks. The culinary industry has grown immensely and has gained a very high status as regards to its acceptability as a respectable profession. Hence, various schools have been set up to provide certified education on various types of cuisines of the world over. Out of the numerous cuisine types, the Japanese cuisine tends to evoke a curiosity as regards to its making. The most famous Japanese dish is the Sushi, which has been a favorite with almost all classes of individuals. Apart from sushi, the other famous Japanese food items are Domburimono, Tempura, Sukiyaki, Shabu-Shabu, and many more. Japanese food is considered very simple, healthy, and delicious.

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Lib: Japan Country in East Asia

Japan is an island country in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of China, Korea, and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea in the south. Its capital is Tokyo. It encompasses over 3,000 islands, the largest of which are Honshū, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū and Shikoku. Most of Japan's islands are mountainous, and many are volcanic, including the highest peak, Mount Fuji. It has the world's 10th largest population, with nearly 128 million people. The Greater Tokyo Area, with over 30 million residents, is the largest metropolitan area in the world. Archaeological research indicates that people were living on the islands of Japan as early as the upper paleolithic period. The first written mention of Japan begins with brief appearances in Chinese history texts from the 1st century AD.

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